Thursday, April 23, 2009

So I don't know what's wrong with me. It's not like I'm not attractive, or have a deformed personality. I'm a 5'1, perfectly average (okay, perfectly abnormal) kind of girl that tends to study when she feels like it, takes loads of AP classes to boost her GPA, reads comics and goes on the internet like a maniac, and keeps a far enough distance to her friends and family where she spends more time alone that with anyone else. Currently registers a borrowed heart and lives off of diet coke and the occasional new band. I think I'm lonely.
Maybe it's this weird social anxiety. But how do you explain my leadership abilities. I don't get myself sometimes. I just want to move into a new place, fall into things, start out fresh and shake off this insanity. I don't think another year of high school will satisfy me. I don't want to get a job- for a job in this economy is impossible. I don't want to be single at 48, but if I am, I hope I'll be successful. I'm the type of person who craves affection easily. This does not mean that I will take anyone up who offers though. I actually... don't know what I want in a person anymore, though I know I always think of someone in the future. I just... can't put my mind on who.

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