Saturday, April 4, 2009

Love... and Dracula Movies

"I have not broken your heart- you have broken it, and in breaking it, you have broken mine."
- Wuthering Heights

Wuthering Heights is supposed to be this magical romance- or so I'm lead to believe. I picked up the book for the first time in over a period of 6 months, where it was casually laying on my bookcase turning into a statue next to Jane Eyre. Jane Eyre is one of my ultimate favorites, and I've always thought that Charlotte Bronte could never be foreseen from another writer, until I noticed her sister, Emily. Their both so beautiful, using the most sincere customs of language and giving them a voice- giving words a voice in my head that pentrate my thoughts with the character's. As I was reading (I'm only on the 20th page..) I began to realize that I,myself, do not have a custom in which is the perfect man for me. I got to thinking to my fellow best gay friend- and I asked him, Should I have an ideal perfect guy down to a capsize? Should I know what I want in a person?
The answer in my head came back as "YES!!"

"If all else perished, and he remained,I should still continue to be; and if all else remained, and he were annihilated, the universe would turn to a mighty stranger: I should not seem a part of it. "

So, I have decided to write down all the aspects of my extremely idealized type of man/boy. I know that such circumstances in a person cannot be found, no matter how long my heart seeps in searching.
Let's start of with appearance and work our way into the inner core. I am attracted to a man with locks of love- deep brown, auburn curls that can settle on his face. Or, raven's hair. Any hair that is an extremely natural and beautiful illiminated color. I love deep oranges, definite blondes, pitch black strings.
I love definite skin tones. Something like pale white (as my own skin color) or a deep rich cocoa brown. I don't like unnatural tans, or the strange yellow/orange color that people tend to color to.
I want a guy who can be spontaneous, letting the universe fall into place with me and him. I want him to surprise me by just being with me- coming at the right moments of my life and not leaving at them. I want him to wait by my car after a wreckless day. I want that warm feeling that he'll give to me with his arms and his heart.
A gentlemen who can open the door wide open for me, give me compliments without me holding a rod and a bait to his face, and paying for me at appropiate times. A guy who will not let me use him for his money, but rather for his heart.
The same music taste as me is much needed. I'm sick of these "stupid,bohmenian losers" (Ghost World). Someone who is into Nirvana, Smashing Pumpkins, Billy Idol... and can honestly say they liked them before they liked me. A guy who I don't have to push my music tastes on, or listen to certain songs and have them remind me of him.
Someone who will give me long talks before I know them. Spontaneously sitting with me inside a coffee shop, me being completely oblivious when I woke up that I was meeting them that day, and having one of the best days of my entire life. Letting him come to me, not me having to make him talk to me. I need an open interest. An obvious interest.
A guy who can write. A guy who knows what to write. A guy whose writing I can understand.
Someone who doesn't highly remind me of an Ex. A musician would make me trip over my toes- especially if he wrote me songs. I never feel that courageous to think I'm those type of girls. I have holes in my ego.
Someone who can give me the most memorable kiss. A guy who can lay down with me while I read Charlotte and Emily Bronte to him.
A guy who has his own life. His own misconceptions of the world. A guy who is wonderfully intelligent and beautiful in his own way.
A guy who can let me know him first, openly know him, and share all of his interests while exploring mine. A guy who wants to deserve me.
Someone who will fight for me. Blast into my heart. Take control and never let go.

"...I have a single wish, and my whole being, and faculties are yearning to attain it. They have reached - and soon- beause it has devoured my existance- I am swallowed in the anticipation of it's fulfulliment. "

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